01 May 2009

Long Time Gone

With all that has been happening in my life, I found that keeping up with this blog is very low on my priority list. I'm not going to make promises because I know I won't keep them. But I do have a rant...

Ok, I am sick of this Swine flu shit. I mean, really. 1 child (and I don't mean to be insensitive, because the loss of every person is sad) dies in Texas and the whole world goes ballistic. Schools shut down, sporting events cancelled, Vice Presidents make stupid statements (ok- so you knew that was inevitable), and the country is whipped into a flu-fearing frenzy. It's on every news show, every radio broadcast, hell- I got 2 emails at work reminding me to wash my hands!

Give me a break. There are 300 million people in the US, and under 100 reported cases. Further, the death rate for Influenza is .6 per 100,000 in the US. IT'S A FUCKING COLD!!!

I would much rather the media spend their time telling me how 800 billion dollars is unaccounted for than to ramble on about a disease that has killed 7 people. 7. Give me a fucking break. Ingrown toenails have killed more people (suggestion not backed in fact).

After Bowling for Columbine came out, I read a book called the Culture of Fear which chronicled the many instances of media fear mongering and how that was unhelpful to actual living Americans. This is just the latest example of how the media love to distort small things into a frenzy, which panics the population and ultimately hurts the economy. Damn the media.


Kenny R said...

This just in: Catherine's father's school may be closed for teh rest of the year---DUE TO SWINE FLU! They have a confirmed case.

The best part, he's retiring this year. "Peace out, suckas!"

Kenny R said...

I hate typing the word "the." I always type it and then realize I spelled it "teh." Dammit, fingers! Do your job! In the order that I think you to!