15 October 2008

The Middle

9:34- Obama has so much more respect for the campaign as a whole than McCain does. Why are we going back to ACORN? Can we talk about Keating? No, beacuse Obama has too much class to bring it up, and is correct about the tenor of politics- making each other seem evil instead of attacking ideas. And he won't go to McCain's associattions (go to the New Yorker magazine and the article by Hendrik Hertzberg for details).

9:41- Running mates! This should be good...

Palin is a role model? She has a pregnant teen and opposes premarital sex, she abused the power of her office for a personal vendetta, and she has no clue about international politics. Ok, a role model for conservative idealogues.

Again, Obama has a respectful answer. Well done. McCain claims that it was obvious that we had to go into Iraq the first time. It is? Really? Because we did? Nice circular logic. And good use of the word cockamamie. McCain sounds like Stadler & Waldorf.

9:48- Obama talking directly into the camera. Except when he looks at his ring finger. Does he have crib notes there?

9:50- NAFTA- Obama brings it up, and McCain's eyes light up. Uh,oh. Where is he gonna take this?

Offshore drilling will not be feasible for ten years. Which is not now. And is definitely not McCain's now. Or then. Eeesh.

Drug War! Let us PLEASE talk about this. Oh, wait. Drugs kill kids. Nevermind.

9:55- McCain back on the attack- restrict trade, raise taxes, Hoover. Nice. Wrong, misleading, and disingenuous, but typical.

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