10 December 2008


Ok, so I've been a little lax- par for the course. So many things- so little time. Here are some things I've been thinking about...

Cowboys Update- With 3 games to go, the 'Boys are currently in 6th place in the NFC. Had Romo not decided to give the ball back to the Steelers 4 times, they would still be in 6th (thank you for the chicken-shit punt, Mike Smith!), but in a better position as compared to the teams chasing them for the final playoff spot. Hosting the G-Men this week and the Nevermores (thank you, TMQ!) next- in what will be the final home game in Texas Stadium-, then traveling to Philly to finish the season, the 'Boys need to win at least 2 to get in. Preferably, they will win the 2 NFC games.

Regardless, I cannot understand why Jerry Jones threw Marion the Barbarian under the bus this week. I know JJ is all about JJ (he loves him some him- thanks TO!), but why question the toughness of the most physical back in the league? What purpose does that serve? Baffling.

Addictions-Besides the aforementioned TMQ (that's Tuesday Morning Quarterback Gregg Easterbrook on ESPN.com- I'd give a link but he has no dedicated home page- look for it anyway), I have been reading as much from the National Football Post as I can. Good stuff. Matt Bowen's player column is outstanding, even if he is a Deadskin.

In non-football related addictions, the Planet Money podacst from NPR is an outstanding take on the current financial climate. I also enjoy My History Can Beat Up Your Politics podcast.

In music, I am currently playing out the new Oasis album, Dig Out Your Soul, the Flobots album Fight With Tools, and The Mouse and the Mask by Danger Doom.

As for books, I just bought American Brutus by Michael Kauffman, The Wordy Shipmates by Sarah Vowell, and More Information Than You Require by John Hodgman. I highly recommend them all.

Politics- Can I buy a Senate seat? Damn!

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