17 April 2008

More Debate

I had the opportunity to listen to some post-debate talking heads, and I'd like to expand my comments about Obama v Establishment.

First, I should mention that I listen to about nine different political podcasts these days, so I get a wide range of views. If you are interested, I would recommend the Post Politics Podcast (P3), the Atlantic: American Ideas, the New Yorker: Campaign Trail, and the Economist: Democracy in America. I also recommend Counterspin for an analysis of how Big Media cover the news in general, and The Bugle (for a laugh. The Bugle will get its own post soon).

Wednesday night, Obama answered one of Stephanopolis' innane questions by putting forth the idea that he misspoke, would misspeak again, and the old politics was going to jump all over it. He then proceeded to give an example of Hillary's comments in 1992 about how she wouldn't assume the backseat role most First Ladies were expected to take. She was attacked in the press for her comments, and Obama then stated that she had learned the long lesson since she has now adopted those tactics. I thought it was the most poignant moment of the debate, yet none of the nine podcasts mentioned this exchange at all. Great analysis. The whole premise of Obama's campaign is being ignored by Democrats, Republicans, and the press. It'll be an uphill climb for the most dynamic politician we've seen in a generation.

1 comment:

BlondeJustice said...

So glad to see you haven't changed. :) I have missed your views on life in general and it is a nice refreshing breeze to see it again. Hope you are doing well.

Obama 'O8
Change We Can Believe In!!